STAMBOLOVO WINERY belongs to a large and influential group of companies and financial organisations. This formation is of great importance to Bulgarian economy and incorporates dozens of Bulgaria's most advanced and powerful enterprises in the country's strategic heavy industry, transport, food and beverage production, as well as a number of financial, banking and insurance institutions. This union enables each individual company within the business community to apply unified policies and practices in regard with their strategies for financing, insurance-coverage, planning, development, renovation and marketing, thus maintaining and expanding their leading role and position in their respective sectors of Bulgarian economy.


Working in close partnership with all our colleagues within the business community, we are able to create a commonly-shared paltform for delivery of raw-materials, access to financing and know-how, control of business-related expenses and creation of distribution networks to cover the national and international markets. In all our business decisions and economic practices we have one common objective and priority - to promote and develop the economy of Bulgaria and to serve the public and all Bulgarian producers.